
Posts Tagged ‘UniData’

Update to Installing UniVerse on CentOS post

I’ve been asked a few times on how to get the U2 DBTools products, like XAdmin to connect to their VirtualBox machine. I obviously left something out in the article, so I’ve went back and updated the post for how to configure your firewall. You can follow these same steps for UniData as well.

Just to make sure you don’t miss it, I decided I should also duplicate it here…

Configure firewall

If you want to access UniVerse (say using XAdmin from the U2 DBTools package), you will need to modify your iptables configuration.

First, in my case I have the VirtualBox network adapter set to ‘Bridged’. Now, in a shell window update iptables ‘sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables’

In vi, before any LOG or REJECT lines, add ‘-A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp –dport 31438 -j ACCEPT’.

Once that is done, you simple run ‘service iptables restart’ to pick up the changes.

The updated iptables file

The updated iptables file

XAdmin once connected

XAdmin once connected

Statement Code Coverage Testing – Part 2

November 26, 2011 1 comment

Back in November 2009 I posted the “UniBasic Code Coverage” project as an open-source project. Back then it was stripped version based on one I set up for my then employer. The version for my employer used an in-house pre-processor that greatly simplified the work I needed to do for it work with our source files.

I have now released the v0.2 (update: v0.8) development version which has fixed several bugs, added the ability to specific a customer pre-process for those don’t use string UniBasic and provided improved the documentation on installing, using and contributing.

As you will already be aware, the source code for this is hosting on the UniBasic Code Coverage Project at SourceForge in a Subversion repository. If you have Subversion installed, you can checkout the code with the following command:

svn co ucov

If you are running UniData or UniVerse on Windows, I highly recommend you install Tortoise SVN as it greatly simplifies working with Subversion.

On the SourceForge site you will not only find the Subversion repository for all the code, but also ‘Tracker’ which will allow you to submit Feature and Bug tickets. If you need help with anything, you can submit a Support Request as well.

If you wish to contribute to the code or documentation, you can introduce yourself on the Developer Forum. The best way to submit code or doc is by generating a Diff of the changes, as well as what the behaviour was before the change and what it was after the change.

When you have used UBC, be sure to fill out a Review. All constructive input is welcome and appreciated!